Movie Synopsis
It tells the story of two teenages Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu, who mysteriously switch bodies and lives.The film begins with Taki, a high school student living in Tokyo, who wakes up one day to find himself in Mitsuha's body in a rural town called Itomori. Confused and disoriented, Taki initially has difficulty adjusting to Mitsuha's life as a high school student.Meanwhile, Mitsuha finds herself in Taki's body in bustling Tokyo. Determined to save Mitsuha and the townspeople from their tragic fate, Taki uses his new knowledge of the past and his connection to Mitsuha to change the course of events. Through a series of twists and revelations, it is revealed that Taki and Mitsuha were actually living in different timelines.
Makoto Shinkai
Makoto Shinkai is a renowned Japanese animator, filmmaker, and writer known for his visually stunning and emotionally captivating works. Born on February 9, 1973, in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, Shinkai has made a significant impact on the anime industry with his unique storytelling style and breathtaking visuals. Shinkais passion for animation began at a young age when he was inspired by the works of Hayao Miyazaki and other prominent anime directors. He studied Japanese literature at Chuo University and initially worked as a graphic designer before venturing into the world of animation. Makoto Shinkai is known for his distinctive storytelling approach that often revolves around themes of love, distance, and human connection. His works often feature beautifully rendered landscapes and intricate attention to detail. Shinkais stories frequently explore the complexities of relationships and the longing for connection in a world where people are physically or emotionally distant. One notable aspect of Shinkai's work is his ability to evoke strong emotions through his storytelling.
Main Characters
Mitsuha Miyamizu
宮水 三葉 Miyamizu Mitsuha
Mitsuha Miyamizu (宮水 三葉 Miyamizu Mitsuha) is the female protagonist of Kimi no Na wa.. She is a 17-year old high-school student living in a small rural town called Itomori and a member of the Miyamizu family where she serves as a priestess in her family shrine. However, Mitsuha feels dissatisfied with her small-town life and due to the strained relationship she has with her stern father and the criticism she gets when performing as a shrine maiden, she wishes to live as a handsome boy in Tokyo. Her wish was eventually partially granted as she would start switching bodies with a high-school student named Taki Tachibana in her dreams.
Taki Tachibana
立花 瀧 Tachibana Taki
Taki Tachibana (立花 瀧 Tachibana Taki) is the male protagonist of Kimi no Na wa.. He is a 17-year old high-school student who lives a busy lifestyle as he juggles his part-time job at an Italian restaurant, spends fun times with his friends and hopes for a future in architecture. His lifestyle takes a turn when he starts switching bodies with a high-school girl named Mitsuha Miyamizu in his dreams, who wished to live as a handsome boy in Tokyo.